About us

Minibeachflag is a vision that arose during my business study at the Notenboom Business school. This is where I further developed my ambition for entrepreneurship. In order to realize this vision, I obtained experience in the market for textiles, marketing and management. 

A new era

Times change as does the demand for different products. We try to anticipate that by creating new products and thinking outside the box. Choosing Minibeachflag not only meets your needs, it also offers you a stellar customer experience. We treat our clients the way we would like to be treated ourselves. 

A new road

Through this new direction, we try to stimulate people to come up with new and different ideas. We offer new ideas, in order to start brainstorming with clients and find solutions to their challenges. Creativity is the cradle from which most of our best products sprouted.

Doing it is the best mindset

We work with a team with a lot of experience in the table flag market. We are traditional producers, which means that we still use original machines, with a touch of digital influences. Times may have changed, but the craftmanship and passion for it has not. Bringing new innovation to the market, we would like to show you who we are and how we can help you. 

 Times change. Our passion doesn't. Find out for yourself.

Jordy Pompe.